What Price Freedom and Justice?


  • When there’s a war on in one’s country, say WW2 in the Europe, the people unite against the common enemy and accept that some will die so that the war is won and the next generation can continue.
    • If you lived in the UK, the consensus was that you’d be fighting for “freedom” and that the rights of individuals and groups, acquired over centuries, would continue.
    • If you lived in Nazi Germany, the consensus was that you’d be fighting for “the fatherland” and the safety and security that came from one very strong power that had absolute authority.
  • Both viewpoints included the possibility that some might die so that others might live.

Or have I got something wrong here?

Murder Conviction & Repeal

Iain Davis, convicted murderer, repealed, ?
Iain Davis, convicted murderer, repealed, ?

So what now following the disturbing news that a convicted murderer will be set free because his conviction was unsafe due to the fact that the prosecution used anonymous witnesses?  Jack Straw now wants a permanent change to the law so that anyone can be convicted for a crime on the say-so of anonymous witness evidence.


So when this naff law is passed we will then be living in a country:

  • where you can be locked up for 42 days without a defence
  • – then be prosecuted without seeing your accusers or cross-examining them and calling them a bunch of liars, if appropriate.
  • where full details of your trial may never be published if it’s “against the public interest”.
  • where you can be locked up for life on the strength of the above (fortunately, (but for how long?), not executed).

Remember, this can happen to anyone.  The catalogue of British miscarriages of justice must weigh a ton now.

So How is This Related to WW2?

There’s always been a “black” culture and cultural identity.  So what?  There’s been a Geordie, Welsh and Scots one as well.  It’s the way it is and the way that people identify themselves to their peers.  We all exist and live within the law of the land though.  It started just before Magna Carta.  But if law breaks down or is invalid, like in wartime, people group together for the common good and accept that some will die.


1980 to 2000:   Development of black “gansta-rappa” culture.  Gold, guns, big cars and big arses admired.  People get shot, mostly black.  People with big stuff and attitude are brave (not)

2001 to the present day: People whinge about too many blacks getting shot e.g. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1420330.stm

2002: single bullet kills party-goers.  Two dead.  Gunman runs off – very brave (not)

2004: Iain Davis convicted.  He’d run all the way to America, bravely (not)

2004: Iain Davis sentenced to life imprisonment.  Apparently he bravely (not) asked for a gun, which was passed to him, and then shot a man through the neck.  The bullet passed through and killed someone else as well.

2005: Martin Harvey not guilty of being the other man.  There were 40 people at this “party”, and I use the word very loosely.

2008, today: Iain Davis acquitted for possible re-trial.  Police and Jack Straw etc say this is bad for justice.  They say that anonymous evidence must be allowed (their emphasis).

My Take on all This

All 40 people at the party are guilty of denial and self-delusion.  It’s ALL their faults that two men ended dead and it’s ALL their faults that one man has walked free.  It’s my fault I’ve backed the Labour government this far, but it’s ALL their fault to hero worship guns and the power that follows.  This reinforces and validates the power that thugs have within a community, and following the Buddhist law of cause and effect, they’ve made their causes and reap their effects.

It’s not good enough to say that you’ll only give evidence if you can remain anonymous.  For the health and security of the whole 60 million people on this island, the lives of all 40 people at that party are nothing.  By their silence and attitudes they have convicted themselves.  Remember, we’ll all be dead one day anyway.  How you live your life and what you do, govern your karma across all of time and space.

Look at it this way.

  • Suppose in 2002-2004 the 40 refused to testify.
    • The freedoms of our land would still be intact.
    • Iain Davis would have gone free, possibly to kill again, if he’s really a murderer, or not.
    • He may have killed some of them if they insist on going to the same environment as him, or other people, related or not.
    • If he killed again, eventually he would be caught in such an incriminating way that he’d be convicted properly and justice would be served. (Yes really. The murder solving rate is pretty good).
    • The end result would be that:
      • a few people would be dead
      • All 60 million UK people would be safe under the law
      • One less scum on the streets
  • Suppose in 2002-2004 they testified in person(yes, bravely.  It does take courage)
    • The freedoms of our land would still be intact.
    • Iain Davis’s accomplices may have killed some or all of the witnesses
    • As each witness was killed, protection would be increased and the chances that the potential killers would be caught would be increased
    • Iain Davis and his accomplices would eventually be caught and convicted
    • The end result would be that
      • a few people would be dead
      • All 60 million UK people would be safe under the law
      • A few less scum on the streets

In both scenarios the result is the same!  Sadly, some people would still die, probably, but not necessarily, different people.


Now, because of the ultimate cowardice of these 40 people who pretend so bravely to wrap themselves up in the machismo of black gangsta rappa street culture, the rest of us 60 million have to suffer:

  • the fact that a killer is still loose on the streets
  • the fact that gun possession and gun crime is now seen as part of everyday life
  • the extra deaths because many more people are now dead because of the attitudes to guns and drug-related crime
  • all our liberties are being whittled and chiselled away by a spineless government cowering under the right wing backlash from a greedy, corrupt and incompetent USA administration, whose country is the source of all this crap gun culture in our green and pleasant land anyway.

This is what I object to.  Ultimately, for all of us, our freedom is the most important thing.  Our lives, while being precious and individual, are only temporary.  If black people en-masse decide a gun and drug culture is good, it’s still each individual’s choice whether to live and associate with the group.  Eventually though, the group must live within the law of the land.  If it doesn’t, then the backlash from the vast majority that set the law of the land will be swift and terrible, much like to the Krays and their kind.  For a broader view, the history books show that the British people have violently turned on ethnic and social groups when they’ve had enough and the usual laws aren’t applied …  jews, lombards, flemish, teddy boys

I don’t doubt for an instant that they would do the same in future and this is the prime reason to make sure that our laws are followed and not arbitrarily changed in some knee-jerk reaction.  The consequences for all groups that set themselves apart could be dire if laws are ignored.

To say that I’m a fat old white bloke does not mean that I’m lacking in knowledge or experience of people and gangs like these.  I just made my life choices at certain moments not to associate with them as it’s patently bad.

But doing and saying nothing also validates the actions of the bad guys.  So part of my karmic retribution is to point this out.  The rest will follow in due course.


  • Bush: bastard
  • Rumsfeld: bastard
  • Cheney: bastard
  • Blair: bastard
  • Straw: bastard
  • Blunkett: bastard
  • Smith: bastard
  • All 40 people at that party: bastards
  • Iain Davis: bastard
  • Gansta rappaz: laffable

To all of you in the list:  Thanks for Nowt!


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