Tag: MCE

  • WordPress Upgraded

    I’ve recently upgraded to the 2.6 edition. All worked except the Tiny MCE plugin problem I’ve had previously. I applied the fix I did last time, and it fixed it. I think it’s specific to this website as it’s not manifested on other sites I manage.  I trawled through all the settings several times looking…

  • TinyMCE Advanced Installed

    Ironic innit! After all the trouble I had getting TinyMCE to work on WordPress 2.51 after the website moves, the solution included a link to LaptopTips.  One page, https://www.laptoptips.ca/projects/tinymce-advanced/ is for a “new improved” MCE, which I duly followed up! It’s actually a much better postings editor all round… The install was five seconds and…

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