Tag: pantherssl

  • Monavie, Gillmap, Idaho Falls, Google Treasure Chest and Oprah

    Monavie, Gillmap, Idaho Falls, Google Treasure Chest and Oprah Winfrey Introduction Last June, a contributor to this website @Not Kevin made a telling entry here (https://strangelyperfect.tv/4308/google-revolution-different-name-same-scam/#comment-1589) that has direct prescient relevance to the court case in the USA that Oprah Winfrey has heaped onto a host of companies and individuals for using her name to…

  • Robert G Allen, Grants, and a Credit Card Slimeball

    Introduction This is a small investigation into mail lists and scammy companies.  Some companies are fine, but I always go by the adage to judge a man by the company he keeps.  This shows how lists spread far beyond their initial purpose when you sign up for something.  It also shows how the privacy policies…

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